Success Story

“We wish you luck, Ms. Zdradzinski!”

Ms. Betty Zdradzinski was admitted to Restore Health and Rehab after a recent hospitalization due to a fall from home. This resulted in a decline in her functional mobility which prevented her immediate and safe return home. She required continued skilled therapy which led her to Restore.

Ms. Zdradzinski had difficulty with walking, transferring and completing her daily routine tasks upon her arrival to restore. However, the rehab team and Ms. Zdradzinski worked together, creating a plan to help her to achieve her personal goals to regain her independence back and to be able to return home safely.

Ms. Zdradzinski worked incredibly hard in therapy and made excellent progress each day. Through her family support and continued dedication to her daily therapy. Ms. Zdradzinski was able to return home with her family’s support to assist her walking with the use of rolling walker.