Success Story

“I want to thank everyone who helped me with my recovery, you guys are compassionate and dedicated to what you do.”

Mr. Briscoe was admitted to Restore Health and Rehab after multiple falls at home. He has a history of prostate cancer that metastasized to his spine resulting in him being wheelchair bound due to weakness in his legs.

At the time of admission Mr. Briscoe presented with severe pain in his knees due to the falls as well as requiring extensive help from staff to complete his daily activities.

Mr. Briscoe and the rehab team worked together, creating a plan to help him to achieve his personal goals to regain his independence in order for him to return home safely.

He worked incredibly hard in therapy and made excellent progress each day. Through his family and friends support and continued dedication to his therapy daily. Mr. Briscoe was able to return home safely with family support walking with use of rolling walker.