Success Story
“I want to thank all my therapists who worked hard to help me regain my independence back.”
Ms. Jane Grove was admitted at Restore Health and Rehab after multiple hospitalization due to numerous medical conditions. This resulted in decline in function which prevented her from an immediate and safe return to home.
Ms. Grove and the Reliant Rehab team worked together, creating a plan to help her to achieve her personal goals to regain her independence back to be able to return home safely.
Ms. Grove loves to garden; she plants different flowers and vegetables, and she is also a member of a gardening club in the county and was determined to get back to attending as quickly as able!
Jane worked incredibly hard in therapy and made tremendous progress each day. Through her family and friends support and continued dedication to her therapy daily, she was able to return home with support from her loving family and friends. Congrats Ms. Grove on all your hard work and success!