Success Story

I had an outstanding experience and a tremendously positive outcome! I would like to give a huge and heartfelt thank you to all my therapists who made my stay comfortable and 100% successful!”

Ms. Denice Tyree Turner came to Restore Health and Rehab after a recent hospitalization following a hip replacement procedure. This surgery resulted in MS. Tyree Turner demonstrating a decline in function which affected her ability to care for herself and prevented her to go back home safely and independently.

Ms. Tyree Turner and the Reliant Rehab team worked together to create plan a care to meet her goals and return her back to her prior abilities.

Denice worked very hard every day, showing improvement in all aspects of mobility, strength, safety, and function as well as towards achieving her goals of re-gaining her independence back.

With her amazing progress, she is very happy that she can go back home safely and independently. Congrats Ms. Tyree Turner, we wish you the best!